Kerb Appeal

07806 631 474
Render Cleaning
Kerb Appeal offer a full external render cleaning service. Most external rendering on today’s buildings are either K Rend or Monocouche rendering. We understand that rendering can be damaged with the wrong cleaning system or high pressure techniques. We do not pressure wash external rendering, Instead we use a non aggressive cleaning system incorporating an anti fungal agent that has been developed and proven for many years. With many new builds, there is a modern trend where builders use these new renders that require to be cleaned using a non aggressive cleaning system. Our anti fungal wash has been very popular and customers have been happy and satisfied with the work undertaken on their properties.Older style rendering and painted surfaces can be cleaned in the same manner.
Our cleaning solution kills algae spores and has a residual cleaning effect which keeps working on the surface. Which means further cleaning is not required for 2-3 years, rather than the regular annual clean, saving you money and giving you peace of mind.